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The Groan

Romans 8:18-25



I love the creation imagery in this reading and sadly can see this groaning of creation all around me. I see land that is parched for water that does not fall or is stolen. I smell the smoke and car exhaust as we continue to use nonrenewable resources the world over. I hear the groans of the earth as bulldozers raze the ground to establish another settlement or continue the construction of the Wall.
But what excites me most here is that creation is waiting for us. It is through our glory in the redemption of Christ that breathes new life into the world around us. All have been welcomed into the outstretched arms of the family of God and are adopted as his daughters and sons.
So why does creation still continue its heartbreaking groans? Why are we not working to serve this creation God has provided us? What can be done as we wait in hope? I am so very thankful for the creation that surrounds me now, but I cannot wait to see what is in store for us. Can you imagine what our world will look like? To not hear the groans of the earth nor of the souls of the people that inhabit it? I continue to hope for that day of peace.

The Wall winding through the landscape near the Environmental Education Center.          Photo by Kaitlyn

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